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Australia & NZ’s #1 eCommerce Program - 8,000+ Students

We are the leading educational source for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

As Featured In..

Sharnee made an average of $233k a month

Meet Sharnee & Tanya, they reached out to 6FDS in our early days and Reza, our founder, personally helped them create 2 stores. Those same very first 2 stores both ended up making a combined $7M+ in sales in just a couple years. Now they have done well over $10M+ in sales from learning the methods and strategies taught inside the 6FDS program.  

6 Figure Drop Shipper Reviews

Here are a handful of the types of posts we get on a daily basis inside our private Facebook community, there are student results, great welcome posts & a whole lot more. 

Meet Our Students

Here are some of the many video testimonials we have from our students, there are hundreds to watch from. These students are regular normal people like you, the next one could be you – Book A Free Consultation to see for yourself.

Book In A Call Today

How Does This Work? Here's The 6FDS Process

This is the process to getting started with 6 Figure Drop Shipper, we have the best results in Australia, NZ and the world, working with us and launching your business has a process, read below to get familiar and get started. 


Book A Free Intro Call

Jump on a brief 40 minute call to ensure that this business model is right for you. If you meet our criteria to become a student then we’ll outline the next steps for how you can get started.


Start Learning

Gain instant access to our private 8,000+ person community, access to our 6 & 7 figure coaches and start watching our 150+ video step by step course that’s produced more successful students than any other eCommerce program.


Get Free 1 on 1 Coaching

Our experienced coaches will help you pick which products to sell, help optimise your website and ads correctly so you can get customers to your business.


Start Making Sales $$

Launch your business! Share your amazing new eCommerce business to the world and generate sales. Now, you just focus on scaling and profit optimisation.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch by booking a Free Consultation with us, we’re happy to help.

  • When you become a member of 6FDS, you gain access to our private 8,000+ person Facebook community, our 150+ video step-by-step program and get access to our coaching services. Where you’ll learn exactly what our founders did to make millions through eCommerce.
  • This means you get lifetime access to our program (watch it anytime), lifetime access to asking questions in our private FB group (questions get answered daily), lifetime access to weekly group calls and lifetime access to website support and product/website reviews done by our coaches in the form of tickets + 6 months of 1 on 1 calls.
  • We provide more support and the highest level of support than anyone else out there AND we have the Student Results to back it up.
  • We started when our founder and his brother made $1.1M in 12 months selling stainless steel laundry pegs online, they started the store with no more than $500 and did it during Covid. They began teaching their friends and their friends began making money, which led to the creation of the 6 Figure Drop Shipper program. We have now become Australia and NZ’s leading eCommerce program. We invented ‘1 on 1’ coaching back in mid-2020 and then others began to copy because our students had the best success. See Student Results
  • We suggest you allocate a minimum of 1 hour per day to your business, as things progress you can do more. 
  • Since you’re running & starting a business that could potentially be something substantial in your life, you should take it seriously and put the time into it. We suggest setting a daily alarm to put time into doing the program, for example, 7pm - 8pm to do 1 hour a day, that is a good routine and habit to get into. 
  • Plus a bit more time on weekends. 
  • Yep! Before us, no one offered 1 on 1 coaching and the industry was getting a bad wrap, when we entered, students wanting to learn eCommerce could finally learn how to do it successfully in a safe place and actually learn how to build successful businesses.
  • All we’re doing is teaching what we’ve learned running million-dollar eCommerce businesses. If you apply the lessons then you too can be successful in your degree. 
  • Just because someone studies at Harvard or Stanford University, doesn’t mean they’re going to become a billionaire, but they had access to the same information that others used (Mark Zuckerberg & the Google founders) to become billionaires. 
  • All we’re doing is providing you a platform to use that made us and several of our students 100’s thousands or millions of dollars. It is possible to do similar things when you model the same type of business, it’s a new world that you don’t learn in high school or University. The internet and social media have changed everything and the best part is, you don’t even need to be that good with computers.
  • It’s important to note that there genuinely are a lot of fake promise programs out there that really don’t work, that’s why we suggest you look at our Student Results to compare who is legit and who isn’t. 
  • We have offices in Dubai & Australia, a team of 20 people and have been around for 4 years & have helped over 8,000+ students, our students have made 10’s of millions $ in sales and our founder has been in the digital marketing & eCommerce industry since 2015. 
  • That is like asking a gym owner “What is the success rate of people getting 6 pack abs at your gym?”
  • We have the best unique methods, trainings and we even invented 1 on 1 coaching in Australia & NZ. 
  • Imagine you have a diet and gym plan that is proven to work if applied correctly, can you then really ask “What is the success rate?” - the answer is, that it is successful for anyone who applies it properly, at 6FDS you’re learning cutting edge business lessons that transcend trends or gimmicks. 
  • We have 2 refund policies in place for your peace of mind, that no other eCommerce program offers. 
  • The first one is if you start a store, follow our process and don’t make a single sale within 7 months of starting the course, then we will give you a full refund, we guarantee you’ll learn how to make at least 1 sale by following our process or your money back. (Full Refund Policy).
  • The second one is if you change your mind after joining our program, keep in mind that by law, we are not required to issue refunds for change of minds, but if you join and request a refund within 72 hours of joining, you’ll get a 70% refund, if you ask after 72 hours and before 15 days you’ll get 50% back and if you ask after between 15-30 days after joining, you’re entitled to 25% of your money back. Full refund policy. 
  • Other eCommerce programs do not provide such a refund policy so you can always get something back if you change your mind within the period, the amount lessons as more time goes on after your purchase. 
  • Please note, the change of mind policy lasts 30 days and is not applicable if you ask us after this period 
  • When someone asks this or says this, it is clear they do not understand how the internet & online shopping works. All drop shipping is, in its truest essence, selling products on the internet. Do you think the online shopping industry is going down and shopping malls are going up or the opposite is happening? 
  • Shopping malls are the ones that are closing down and every major business is going online, that’s where the money is going and where the future is headed. Dropshipping AKA online shopping is just going to grow. We are still very early. 
  • “eCommerce is saturated” is an uneducated statement, so you have nothing to worry about. You should be more worried about not getting started in the online world. 
  • Yes, you are learning how to buy products low, market them effectively and then sell them higher. This is what ALL businesses around the world do. Including Apple, Nike etc.
  • Why should you trust us over others? Have you seen the other program’s results? Compare theirs to our Student Results and decide for yourself. 
  • We also have offices in Dubai & Australia, a team of 20 people, have been around for 4 years & have helped over 6,000+ students, our students have made 10’s of millions $ in sales and our founder has been in the digital marketing & eCommerce industry since 2015. 
  • Now we pride ourselves on being the #1 eCommerce school in the world, which originally started in Australia & NZ. Over 6,000+ students and counting. 
  • It is hard to put an exact figure but some of our students have made over $10M+ in sales, around 15 who have done over $1M+ in sales and hundreds or over 1,000 that have done 6 figures in sales. We have truly lost track of the sheer amount of success stories. We estimate it is at least $50M on the low end, up to over $100M+ within the last few years across all 6,300 students. As you look through our results on our website & social media, you’ll begin to see why.
  • 6 Figure Drop Shipper started by accident after our Founder & his brother built a $1.1M eCommerce store out of their Mum’s basement. View the full story here - Interviews.
  • Now they’ve helped thousands of people get started in eCommerce and many of them achieve life changing results, this is no 🧢
  • Now we pride ourselves on being the #1 eCommerce school in the world, which originally started in Australia & NZ. Over 6,000+ students and counting 🏆. 
  • Yes, in fact, 6 Figure Drop Shipper invented 1 on 1 coaching in Australia and NZ back in mid-2020. After other programs \started seeing our students becoming more successful than everyone else's, they began to copy but theirs is not as good as ours. Our 1 on 1 coaching calls last 6 months from the day you begin watching the course, this is plenty of time to set up your business. 
  • The weekly group calls and asking questions in our community (which get answered daily by our coaches), website tech support to help you fix any issues and coaching tickets (for website reviews & product reviews) are free forever. Our support is unparalleled. 
  • You get lifetime access to several coaching services as part of joining the exclusive program, the coaching tickets (helping you pick your products, review your website and ad angles), tech support to help you fix any website problems you have (for free, forever), weekly group calls with other students and unlimited questions in our FB group (which gets answered daily from our coaches). The 1 on 1 coaching calls are unlimited for 6 months as you shouldn't need them after that and you will still have all the other coaching and support methods for a lifetime anyway.
  • Well, it depends on who you are, as a rule of law we are not permitted to make any guarantees and anyone who does is probably a scammer. But we can say that some students have made $100k - $500k+ in sales their first year, others take 2 years to even complete product research (because they’re not disciplined). By law, we are not able to provide any figures on what you CAN earn, but we have provided substantial results of what some of our students have achieved here - Student Results. (While we believe our program truly is #1, by law we have to say that results are not guaranteed, however, we do guarantee you’ll make at least 1 sale or we’ll give your money back).
  • No, the beauty of this is that you only order the product from your supplier AFTER you make the sale first from a customer. This is a way better business model than 99% of businesses out there because it’s low cost to start.
  • A restaurant costs $200,000 - $500,000 to start and most of them don’t make any profit. A retail store costs $50,000 - $500,000 to start and has massive monthly rents & overhead costs, like a restaurant does. A franchise will start from $10,000 - $1M depending on the brand and you’re usually required to work in it, so you’re paying to buy a job basically. 
  • To start a successful drop shipping business that has the potential to do big numbers, we recommend setting aside MINIMUM $1k - ideally $2k or more which is incredibly cheap to start a business that has the potential to generate $10k - $1M*
  • There’s never been a better time in history when the startup costs can be so low and the potential upside so high, the internet and special media have changed everything. 
  • To join, there is an initial upfront investment to become a member and gain access to our 6,000+ person private community, watch our 150+ video program and get access to our coaching services. Where you’ll learn exactly what our founders did to make millions through eCommerce. 
  • Part of your initial investment gets you lifetime access to our program, lifetime access to asking questions in our private FB group (questions get answered daily), lifetime access to weekly group calls, website support and product/website reviews done by our coaches in the form of tickets. 
  • As part of your membership, you get 6 months of free 1 on 1 coaching call support to help you on your journey. This is plenty of time for a course that some students have done within 30 days. If you want more 1 on 1 calls after this, then it’s just a small fee of $220 AUD per month to get these ongoing calls. The other services are still free for you. 
  • If your store makes over $20k in sales within 6 months or after 6 months and you still require 1 on 1 calls, the fee is just $440 AUD a month to continue getting specialist 1 on 1 calls - the other forms of support like asking questions in the group, group calls, website support etc are still free for you. 
  • You do not need to opt in to this feature if you don’t require it, the rest of the support is always free 🙂 
  • China… Just kidding! Did you know that people who ship products from China get more refunds, more PayPal issues and unhappy customers than anyone else? This is due to 45+ day delivery times. When you start out, we show you how to find suppliers from Australia that ship to your customers within approximately 1 week! This absolutely crushes the “old way” of dropshipping/eCommerce where you’d need to buy products from China.
  • That’s why you use our support, we literally invented 1 on 1 coaching so you have nothing to worry about.
  • A lifetime of being able to ask questions in our FB group (answered daily), weekly group calls with the community & coaches, website tech support (to fix any website issues) and free product & website reviews in the form of coaching tickets + 6 months of 1 on 1 calls.
  • The only way you can get stuck is if you don’t ask for help!
  • Yes you can, this is designed to add to your 9-5 income and hopefully one day overtake it.
  • Inside our program, we will educate and show you how to set up an Australian Business Number and what’s required if you’re setting up in the UK, NZ, US etc. We are not allowed to give tax advice but we provide general information on what you’ll need to do, it’s always best to see a tax professional.
  • Guess what! No one has any experience before they do this! Everything is learned. We have students in here as young as 15 and as old as 65 and all have seen success, we teach everything super step by step and provide heaps of support for you, so there’s nothing to worry about.
  • Yes, they are and they’re posted inside our members only Facebook group for everyone to see.
  • No, as long as you can put in 1 hour per day or a few more on weekends or time off work, then that’ll be plenty to get started.